Friday, June 16, 2006

Recovery, Room #

It is Friday 16 June in the morning. As of last night, Dad was doing really well. He even called us to say he was feeling better than in the morning.

There had been some trouble with his IV that morning (one of the two had been removed, but this was apparently saline) ; his hand was very swollen (and still was by the time of his phone call). The line had not been put in correctly.

By the evening, they still had trouble putting one in, but they got one in. His three remaining surgery drains were removed. His 100 staples in his incision (luckily, they didn't have to cut vertically--up/down--as that is harder to heal) look great. Far as that goes, anyway!

He's now in Room # F331 at Henry Ford Hospital.

He's eating liquid meals on his own, ready to get up and get out of there.

The road to recovery will be good, I think. Your help is needed!


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