Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fundraisers...Get involved!

Many of you know that Friends for Terry was created by Kate (daughter of 1974 vintage) to raise funds for Dad so that he can pay for his medical expenses, both direct (copays, etc.) and indirect (nutritional needs, medical supplies not covered, other therapies).

This is to share with you a little bit about what fundraisers have happened, what is happening, and what is to come!

1--Terry, Jr. (son, circa 1976) is a teacher at Milford (MI) High School. He also runs the women's softball program and coaches the varsity team. Dad has been very involved-an eternal booster--of the games. (He played ball, and encouraged all of our love of the games...) On their own, the varsity team involved their high school and collected over $4,000 for the fund. They presented the check with specially made T-shirts for family, friends and supporters.

2--At the annual Downtown Hoedown at Detroit's Hart Plaza in May http://www.wycdhoedown.com/ , more volunteers served refreshments late into the nights to raise funds at the booths. Terry, Jr. arranged this.

3--Currently, there is a link on this website to donate via Amazon.com's Honor System. These donations can be made anonymously or information may be sent to the family regarding your donation.
Use this link: http://s1.amazon.com/paypage/P1LW6GQB0OBXX3/103-1344856-9070217

4-- Susan (daughter of the '60s) and Deb (her partner in life, crime, etc.) have a few tricks up their sleeves (though as it is summer, they may have to put some in their pockets).

They are approaching musicians/artists to ask for personalized CDs/other memorabilia to be auctioned.

The first artist to assist is Rose Polenzani, a wonderful lyricist and musician. http://www.rosepolenzani.com/

Some may know her best for her recent stint as a member of Voices on the Verge. She has also donated her CD, as well as autographed it.

5--There's more! (Actually and in planning...):

  • Yardsales (Warren, MI -- July 8 &9)
  • Auctions
  • Golf outings
  • Bowling events &
  • Spaghetti dinners

Have an idea? Like to help? Got photos? Contact us, and we'd love to hear your ideas, use your gifts as a volunteer, receive your yard sale goods, take your bids, and more!

Remember, your donations are tax deductible!


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