Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bowling Fundraiser a HUGE success! Did you go?

From Toni (Dad's sister):

"...the benefit was a HUGE success yesterday. We had over 70 bowlers, and everyone had a great time... I took alot of pictures, so I will get them to you so you can put them on the web-[you heard it here!]... We were over-whelmed at the generousity of our friends.Needless to say, Don and I are exhausted today, but a 'good' exhausted."

They raised over $2,000 with your help!! Thank you so much for attending, and for all the donations that were made to make the event fun and helpful.

I cannot wait to see the pictures...!

Did you attend this event? If so, send your feedback; we'd love to post it to the blof (via the Comments section or email me and I'll post: sfrikken@yahoo.com )


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