Friday, August 04, 2006

Chemotherapy and fundraisers! We need your help.

First, CHEMOTHERAPY (want to get that over with first, of course!), but please read below to see where you can help raise funds! Please share this with friends.

Dad begins chemotherapy on Monday the 7th of August. His liver enzymes were not quite perfect, but the oncologist thinks that they should go forward with chemotherapy. I am not quite clear what the duration of the treatments will be, so we'll fill you in on the actual FACTS when I have corroborated with the fam.

Dad continues to have some shaking/trembling though one of his anti-rejection medications was changed (Prograf to ... again, I have to get the correct info!).

All in all, considering everything, Dad is doing pretty well! He even sang a few lines of a Barenaked Ladies classic to me on the phone the other night! That must be a good sign...

Please do continue to keep Dad and Mom in your thoughts and prayers and healing energies.


All of the following events will be fundraisers for the "Friends for Terry" fund. It looks like we will be raising funds directly instead of through a non-profit organization. What this means is that all monies will go directly to help Dad cover costs while he is unable to work, and that donations cannot be tax-deductible.

But we've got a lot of great things in store. Please note:

1--The Yard Sale will be held on SATURDAY September 9th and SUNDAY September 10th!
(Times to be announced.) HOLD THE DATE! The sale will be in Warren, MI.

What we need:
a--More donations of goods to sell at the sale. What do you have? Toni (Dad's sister) is coordinating pick up and/or drop off of goods at her house. Contact her at 586-776-5847 or
b--People to help work the yard sale! Can you help set up, clean up, tote the extras to Goodwill (or wherever else?)? Help sell? Email me at
c--People to make REALLY GREAT SIGNS! Got artistic talents, or can you color? Email me at


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