Sunday, July 09, 2006

This Is A Nice Way To Check In...

...with Terry's transplant and upcoming chemotherapy. Susan (the oldest), is placing most of the updates at this site, so you will enjoy what you read, as well as be informed about Terry's progress. Susan's partner, Deb, has provided much backup, research and technical help, with links, etc. A DEB SECRET: Deb ACTUALLY reads all of the manuals that come with products! We ask Deb a lot of questions! *s*

NOTE: Originally, we thought our fund had been set up as a non-profit fund. However, as Kate (middle child), who is handling any funds raised, found out from the IRS, you can't have a non-profit fund for just ONE person. Non-profit would have to be for the benfit of a group of people. So we apologize for any misconceptions concerning this fund...which IS a taxable fund! However, Kate and the rest of the kids (kids to me...adults to the world!), have hopes of turning this fund into a true non-profit source, once their Dad no longer has need of it!

Terry, Jr. (the youngest) and his students, friends, co-workers, have already done so much to help us out. His varsity softball team/students, through a surprise T-Shirt sale fundraiser and their efforts of making his Dad's plight known, PLUS, the Downtown HoeDown fundraising weekend (all explained in previous entries), have raised nearly all of the funds accumulated so far!

You see, each of our children have dedicated themselves to taking over the added burden caused by their Dad's transplant! It frees me up to do the chores Terry is not allowed to do. For example, avoiding bacteria and infection is PRIMARY! No gardening, touching dirt, no picking up dog POOP (*sigh*), no cleaning the bird cage, no fooling around in the garage, which is rather dank and dusty, etc. I still work full time (as do they!), so our children have given us an extraordinary gift...of time and task...and love!

Susan, as you can see by the website, has concentrated much time and effort on her Dad, as well as working with Deb on a fundraiser, which I am sure they will advertise when they are ready. Susan lives in Wisconsin, so being distant can make it difficult for her.

Kate has taken on the Blue Cross system. She fields all of our paperwork for reimbursing monies we have spent on all types of co-payments, etc., and she has taken care of her Dad's extensive prescription ordering...which is so major it has taken on a life of its own! She is also working on the cookbook fundraiser!! More to come on that, also. Not to forget, providing Grandpa with Colin, who gives us both hours of entertainment and love!

Terry, Jr. has done the two fundraisers mentioned earlier, and will undoubtedly help Terry, Sr.'s friends organize a golf outing fundraiser. And he has told us we can "work" at one of the Lion's games this year, working a concession as we did for the HoeDown. PLUS, he cuts the grass! (Thank you...thank you!)

There are so many more things to mention! Like Terry's Mom, Lois, checking in on her son, taking him to the hospital, sometimes twice a week so I don't have to miss work (I don't get paid if I'm not there), and running errands for and with him. All of the phone calls and cards Terry has received, and is receiving, are the best medicine of all! It's difficult to thank everyone when you are on a treadmill, but we all...want you know how much your efforts means to our family.

So...Please know that we are beyond grateful for everyone's attentions and intentions.

Thanks...With Love...Lora


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