Independence day for Dad! Bolt-shopping...
This is from Toni, Dad's sister:
"Your Dad came over to our house on the 4th for a party !!! We had alot of people there, a karaoke machine and stereo system going... alot of fun and laughter and all of Don and My friends mostly got to meet him and let him know he was in their prayers. they all commented on how well he looked, and we super glad he was there for a short time. They are all good people who constantly ask about how he is doing !!! I know I have pictures, so I will try and get Kate to get them to you..."
So...if you don't see photos of the 4th of July soon, remind me to harrass Aunt Tuna...
I talked to Dad yesterday; when i returned his call, he was out at the hardware store, shopping for a bolt for the front door.
So don't forget:
1--Stop in and CHECK ON HIM TO MAKE SURE HE'S ONLY PUTZING and not over-exerting himself.
3--OFFER TO WALK WITH HIM. He loves walking the mall, around the block. Around Home Depot...