Monday, November 27, 2006

Dad/Terry/coach-mr Frikken (Sr)/Son, brother, hubbie, etc... moving right along.

Dad is having some more tests related to protatitis that he has had in the back (not cancer, but a chronic inflammation that needs to be monitored).

It also sounds like Dad has a new diagnosis: Diaphragmatic Paralysis . We think this is what it is, based on what Dad conveyed from the radiologists/pulmonologists. He went in last week to get his lungs checked, thinking maybe mild pneumonia from all the reduced immune system effect of the chemo, but then they found his diaphragm (not the baby-preventer, but the breathing muscle) on one side (unilateral, as it says in that write up) was expanding when it should contract, and vice versa (or VICEY VERSEY, as Dad would say)!

Ask him about his diaphragm--he's got a million of 'em!! Really.

He is also planning to go back to work soon! Yikes! It's good news and scary all at the same time.

Stay posted. And please keep him in your thoughts and conversations. He is at his best and happiest when sharing coversations and jokes and stories with people.

Happy Holidays.

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