Good checkup and cross your fingers!!
Dad says that his last body scan showed...TADA! 100% cancer-free-ness!
While he has had some trouble with liver rejection, they've adjusted his meds accordingly, and it appears that he's on his way to feeling better. He'll have more news soon on the last liver tests.
He does say that he's surprised at the fatigue he still has. It's hard for a tough-guy to feel tired (or "Tahrd" in Dad-Speak), but I keep telling him it's no wonder we're all afraid of chemical warfare, because it does BAD THINGS to you (his chemotherapy prophylaxis).
And THAT makes him a little worried that a full-time job will be hard, BUT...
TODAY he has another job interview (he's had a few, with paltry offerings, way below his value) and he's really looking forward to it.
In addition, his son, Terry, (bruddah) has connected Dad with a very cool RECRUITER who is offering her services to him. They met, so now she knows him and will help him get a good job.
So...lots of good openings, so cross your fingers!