Sunday, June 17, 2007


So many things to say about this past year reguarding my Brother Terry,
an the ordeal he and all of us went thru. First of all, Me, my Mom, and
Brother Tim can never express enough the love that we have for Terry -
and so very, very grateful to all our family and friends for all the
support and prayers that came his way during this time. In the past,
with our sadness of already losing Dad, Ted, and Tom , then now to see
Terry struggle with this illness, was at times a little more than we
could bear. We especially watched over Mom, who is just the most amazing
person with all this that has been handed in her direction, seems to at
times run circles around us all!!

She kept Terry going with his walks, which they both love to do, and spent
alot of quality time together.
The love and support of Lora, Susan, Kate, Terry Jr , and Deb, was also a
constant for him. I also truly believe that if it wasnt for his Grandsons
Colin and Braden, he would not have recovered so easily. Those two little
guys are just the lights in Grandpa Terrys life !!

I know he is feeling better, when he calls me in and complains about the
"monkey suit" he has to wear at my wedding next week. I wouldnt trade
those bitchin' phone calls for anything. I just say "too bad" and hang up on him!!
Our wedding day will be alot more than a celebration of Don and
I , but also a HUGE celebration of the wonderful gift that we have
our Brother here with us and doing well !!

Toni Frikken

I have only come to known Terry Sr.during his journey of recovery, which doesn't allow for many funny stories or anecdotes (yet) worthy of posting or blogging (although I am convinced that the "gentleman" in him was all that stood between me & a few choice words - in that I was rather late arriving when we first met). It is the positive impact he makes that motivates my more personal, heartfelt reflection from me to you.

As I have discovered the wonderful family surrounding Terry, it is no surprise that at the core is this thoughtful, resilient and expressive man. I was drawn to write when Terry's transplant anniversary was linked to a celebration of Father's Day. The connection is more than dates. There is such a strong passion as Terry talks about his family. It hits you as he is talking about his adult children and (what they may consider) their everyday work and accomplishments, or their goals, or his hopes for them. That spark is there time and again as he talks about more family and especially his grandsons. Unlike many, Terry doesn't need to be loud, showy, or offer lengthy explanations to reveal the power of his feelings. He does it simply, directly and yet very passionately.
I often wonder how anyone summons the strength to survive and fight something like cancer. Then I have the privilege to be shown by someone like your and your family. How appropriate that his transplant anniversary is alongside a date that celebrates the love of and for a father.
(Pam Micallef)

It is amazing! I remember all I did on that day is pray and pray; for you and Susan and Laura and your whole family. God heard my prayers and the ones from friends and others that heard about it and wished everything would be all right for you!

You made it!
(Eva Cardenas)
I really did stop to think about this anniversary, this birthday, of Dad's life with his new and cancer-free liver.
I don't know what i would do without my father in my life. I cannot stand the thought of the world without him in it.
He picked me to be in his life; what more a child ask for in a Dad?
He'll always be my Pop, my Dad, my Daddy. How fortunate that I was cared for and guided by him, learned from him and can now be an adult with him.
Thank you, Dad, for the tools (literally--he gives me tools for gifts!--and in all the other ways you can get what you need) you have given me to live my life.

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