Took Dad to his bloodwork visit today at the hospital; looking good...
Monday (31st of July), he'll have his next clinical check-up, and then the following Monday (7 July) he will undergo chemotherapy, as we mentioned before.
Keep him in your thoughts! He's wearing his sunscreen (i hear), and is staying very busy putzing as much as he can before he poops out.
Stay tuned for more fundraising information. Thanks to those of you who have responded!
Pseudotumor cerebri:This is what the neurologist said that Katie likely has, and that they will try to confirm with a spinal tap tomorrow or Wednesday, latest.
Basically, this is extra spinal fluid, exerting pressure on her optic nerves. It appears to be/they said it was very treatable. Looks kind of rare, with varying results and recurrence.
Here are some of the sites i found regarding this: good general site for the layperson; it is also a support network for people with this issue. good information on the issue, plus things that may be associated with/causative