Thursday, November 02, 2006


Yay! Here are photos. No, .... HERE.

I included some of the non-bowling ones, too, that Tuna (Aunt Toni) sent.

Toni and her fiance, Don, all geared up for the Tigers' game.
The cute fluffy-eared dog is Buddy, the foster dog at Mom and Dad's.
The rest are Mom, Dad's. Close up of the Shih-Tzu is Katie's dog, Aja, now living at Mom/Dad's.
Some of Colin in his Nemo (MEMO! MEMO!) Halloween outfit.
Some of Terry, Jr. and Braden.
AND...some of the Bowling Fundraiser!! Including my attractive cousins and family members and family friends.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006


So, Deb and I came into town this past weekend for Colin's birthday (his oldest grandchild). And we got a looksee at Pop firsthand.
[Photos: Dad with Braden, Mom with Colin.]

He is putzing around, doing little jobs. His hair is intact, though temporarily thinner. He looks and feels more tired. We are trying to tell him he's still tough. It's just that it is hard to fight a chemical! That's why chemical warfare is so scary...because you cannot use brute force against it.

His chemo is nearing the end. The end is in sight!! Considering EVERYthing, he's doing remarkably well. Liver readings are great. It is just the chemo side effects (fatigue, headaches, neuropathy--a tingling/numbness that is really uncomfortable in the extremities) that are the problem. So...again, all things considered, things are going well.

The other downside is BOREdom! Dad and mom have taken in a few foster dogs for the Michigan Humane Society (an amazing organization, really), and that is helping. Here is a picture of one of the babies they have currently:

This is Buddy. He is a GOOD dog. Really.

He also helped rehab a squirrel that one of mom's coworkers rescued from cold, rainy road after it was hit. It is still alive and now in a rehab center that mom dug up!

Dad is looking forward to going back to work. He'll feel more normal. And stop watching COPS.

I think he should go into a new field. Time to get away from carpet and do more people-only stuff. What do you think? What job would he be best at?

Send your feedback!

Bowling Fundraiser a HUGE success! Did you go?

From Toni (Dad's sister):

"...the benefit was a HUGE success yesterday. We had over 70 bowlers, and everyone had a great time... I took alot of pictures, so I will get them to you so you can put them on the web-[you heard it here!]... We were over-whelmed at the generousity of our friends.Needless to say, Don and I are exhausted today, but a 'good' exhausted."

They raised over $2,000 with your help!! Thank you so much for attending, and for all the donations that were made to make the event fun and helpful.

I cannot wait to see the pictures...!

Did you attend this event? If so, send your feedback; we'd love to post it to the blof (via the Comments section or email me and I'll post: )

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