Sunday, August 27, 2006

Your stories here! We invite you... write/share a short thought, memory, story, poem, photo (or even a video if you have it) of Terry Frikken, Dad.

We'd love you to share your thoughts of him, your memories of him. Funny, thoughtful, whatever!

Please go to the weblog for this site--Friends For Terry--click that link. Then, click on the "0 Comments" link below THIS posting on the 'blog.


Thank you!!

If you do it, i'll do it! I have stories...

Concert & Dad update

From preliminary reports, the Kenny Chesney concert at Ford Field last night was a hit. There were plenty of helpers...THANK YOU! raise funds. We'll let you know, soon, how successful it was.

Congratulations & thanks to Terry who organized all of it.

I hear there may be photos of the event?

I hear that the American Idol -- Carrie Underwood -- was also at the event. Not working the refreshment stands, but singing! Click HERE for more info on how it was expected to be.

Did you go? Got stories? Share them! Click the link below this post on the blog page , where it says "0 comments" (or however many comments there may be), and post a comment!


Dad golfed Friday night; he said he was tired but felt pretty good. His game wasn't great!

He ALSO worked the Kenny Chesney show! All good news.

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