Fundraising update and Dad-honoring joke contest!
HONOR DAD/TERRY WITH JOKES: While we await final tallies on the fundraisers, here's a task for you!
Send in a joke, either via the "comments" link at the end of this blog post (all are now moderated by me, so no weirdos...that is, outside weirdos!...can get in without my approval), or to my email, directly --
Make it relatively clean (there are all ages and sensitivities, here, AND try to make it SHORT and SWEET. This is in honor of Dad/Terry. He loves the silly, short and sweet ones. The bigger the groaner, the better!
Here are two examples:
1--What do you call a pirate who didn't go to school? -- Captain Hooky.
2-- Man in his garden comes across a snail and throws it over the wall.
Twenty years later, the man hears a knock at his door. It's the snail. He says to the man:
"Hey! What did you do that for!?"
We'll share them all with him, so that he can continue to entertain the world with a new cache of jokes!
It would be great to hear from you, especially if you haven't replied to any of these posts, yet!
Your deadline is the end of September!
Yard Sale: Due to really crappy weather, the yard sale brought in $200. Thanks to everyone's donations and super hard work.
Kenny Chesney Show: TBA
eBay auction (3 music CD's): $20 (we'll do better next time)
Bowling Tournament! Stay tuned...
Thanks for the love you send to Dad and everyone else; and thanks for your patience with form-letters (a.k.a-The Blog!)